Good information, thanks.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wiggins d'Anconia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mr. Horace Franklin Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: explicit package?

> Mr. Horace Franklin Jr. wrote:
> I used the script, guestbook.cgi, and received following errors.
>What is wrong with the syntax/code and what is an explicit pacakage?
>The file guestbook.cgi is attached.

 >The syntax error is being caused by a missing double quote (or an extra
 >double quote depending on how you look at it) on line 106.

 > From perldoc perldiag:

 >"Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name
> (F) You’ve said "use strict vars", which indicates that all vari-
> ables must either be lexically scoped (using "my"), declared
> beforehand using "our", or explicitly qualified to say which pack-
> age the global variable is in (using "::")."
> perldoc -f our
> perldoc -f my
> perldoc -f package
> and the other various perldocs on subroutines, modules, etc. And check
> out the article "Coping with Scoping" which has been posted in this
> forum in the past or can be reached with a Google search.
> > Software error:
> >  syntax error at guestbook.cgi line 109, near "h3>"
> >   (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 106)
> >  Global symbol "$name" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$email" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$homepage" requires explicit package name at
> > guestbook.cgi line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$msg" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$entry" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$url" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  Global symbol "$url" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 109.
> >  No such class guestbook at guestbook.cgi line 161, near "added to my
> > guestbook"
> >  Global symbol "$entry" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 163.
> >  Global symbol "$author" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 163.
> >  Global symbol "$entry" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 163.
> >  Global symbol "$author" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 163.
> >  Global symbol "$author" requires explicit package name at guestbook.cgi
> > line 163.
> >  guestbook.cgi has too many errors.
> >
> > HELP!
> >
> >
> >

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