Rob Dixon wrote:

> Mr. Horace Franklin Jr. wrote:
> > Rob,
> > Disregard the email below.
> > I have one error:
> >
> >  Software Error:
> >  Can't find string terminator "E_FORM" anywhere before EOF at
> > cgi_guestbook.cgi line 205.
> >
> > The code looks good to me.  What does this error mean?
> Horace.
> This is your code from lines 205 through 217:
>   my $form = <<E_FORM;
>  <h3>Sign My Guestbook:</h3>
>  <form action="$url" method="post">
>  <p><b>Name</b>: <input type="text" name="name"/></p>
>  <p><b>E-mail</b>: <input type="text" name="email"/></p>
>  <p><b>Homepage</b>: <input type="text" name="homepage"/></p>
>  <p><b>Message</b>:</p>
>  <p><textarea cols="30" rows="6" wrap="virtual" name="message"></p>
>  <p>Type your message here.
>  </textarea>
>  <input type="submit"></p>
>  </form>
> Each one has a single space indent. The 'here'
> document must have its terminator ( 'E_FORM' )
> at the left margin.
> HTH,
> Rob

Hi Rob,

It looks like this error came about in the course of re-formatting.  I looked at 
earlier versions of the same script, and the ending tag was flush left.  So also was 
the rest of the html.  It probably was a good idea to indent the html, not so good 
with the heredoc.  That points up the reason I limit my use of this feature--because I 
prefer to preserve the logical indentation of my code, and interposing the intended 
indentation of some remote document is seldom compatible with this.


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