
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Norwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:28 PM
> To: Wiggins d'Anconia
> Subject: RE: Inheritance and clone()
> I'm looking into writing some OO modules for my sites, and 
> have found a few examples but they don't define their own 
> 'clone' functions.  So from what you said previously 'clone' 
> must be defined within one of the following:
> use HTTP::Status;
> use HTTP::Request;
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> use URI::URL;
> Is this right, and if so how do I find out how to use it myself.
> Tom Norwood.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 11 March 2003 02:26
> Subject: Re: Inheritance and clone()
> Tom Norwood wrote:
> > I can't find much documentation for this function
> > and related constructor methods. I would be grateful
> > for any assistance that can be offered.
> >
> > I admit I am not to familiar with perldoc but
> > searching (with and without -q) using 'inheritance', 
> 'constructor' and 
> > 'clone' keywords gave me nothing. Same on CPAN I only got a Clone 
> > module which does a similar job but is sparsely documented also.
> >
> > Both the Perl books I have (Nutshell and Black Book)
> > don't even mention it in their index.
> >
> >
> 'clone' is not a standard Perl function, though any object oriented
> interface could provide such a method for a particular class.   So if
> you can specify a particular module then help might be 
> provided on whether it provides a means for cloning objects, 
> and how to use said method(s).  If you are looking to write 
> your own and for more information on handling inheritance in 
> Perl you should check out Object Oriented Perl by Damian 
> Conway, and/or the following perldoc's:
> perldoc perlboot
> perldoc perltoot
> perldoc perltooc
> perldoc perlbot
> perldoc perlmod
> perldoc perlmodlib
> etc....
> In particular have a look in your index for @ISA for 
> information on inheritance.

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