I'm looking into writing some OO modules for my sites, and have found a few
but they don't define their own 'clone' functions.  So from what you said
'clone' must be defined within one of the following:

use HTTP::Status;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::URL;

Is this right, and if so how do I find out how to use it myself.

Tom Norwood.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 March 2003 02:26
Subject: Re: Inheritance and clone()

Tom Norwood wrote:
> I can't find much documentation for this function
> and related constructor methods. I would be grateful
> for any assistance that can be offered.
> I admit I am not to familiar with perldoc but
> searching (with and without -q) using 'inheritance',
> 'constructor' and 'clone' keywords gave me nothing.
> Same on CPAN I only got a Clone module which does a
> similar job but is sparsely documented also.
> Both the Perl books I have (Nutshell and Black Book)
> don't even mention it in their index.

'clone' is not a standard Perl function, though any object oriented
interface could provide such a method for a particular class.   So if
you can specify a particular module then help might be provided on
whether it provides a means for cloning objects, and how to use said
method(s).  If you are looking to write your own and for more
information on handling inheritance in Perl you should check out Object
Oriented Perl by Damian Conway, and/or the following perldoc's:

perldoc perlboot
perldoc perltoot
perldoc perltooc
perldoc perlbot
perldoc perlmod
perldoc perlmodlib


In particular have a look in your index for @ISA for information on


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