
If it's not required to have the domain commented out (meaning it can just not be 
there) then you could do this much more easily with a hash.

If your new file can simply have:

Then doing something like this would work well:

my %domains = ();

open( OLD, "$domainlist" ) || die "Couldn't open $domainlist: $!";
while( <OLD> ) {
  $domains{$_} = -1;
close( OLD );

open( NEW, "$hostnames" ) || die "Couldn't open $hostnames: $!";
while( <NEW> ) {
  $domains{$_} = 1;
close( NEW );

then loop over %domains, and anytime $domains{$key} == 1, print it out!

David Olbersen 
iGuard Engineer
11415 West Bernardo Court 
San Diego, CA 92127 
1-858-676-2277 x2152

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Kidd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:40 AM
> Subject: Search and Replace
> Hello,
> I need help trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
> I'm working with 2 seperate text files both of which
> contain domain names.  What I'm attempting to do is
> read the first file of domains and run a search based
> on the contents of that file against the second file
> of domains.  Then open a completely new file writing
> the contents of the second file with the exception of
> the domains from the first file will be commented out.
> Here's an example:
> File 1:
> dummy.com
> stupid.com
> idiot.com
> newbie.com
> File 2:
> rtfm.com
> readitagain.com
> dummy.com
> stupid.com
> idiot.com
> newbie.com
> New File:
> rtfm.com
> readitagain.com
> #dummy.com
> #stupid.com
> #idiot.com
> #newbie.com
> With the script that I wrote what happens is it only
> comments out the last entry from file 1. so when it
> writes to the new file only (newbie.com) will be
> commented out: 
> New File With My Script:
> rtfm.com
> readitagain.com
> dummy.com
> stupid.com
> idiot.com
> #newbie.com
> Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
> Here's the script I'm working with:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> my $domainlist = shift || die("You must provide a
> domain list file.");
> my $hostnames = "local-host-names";
> open(DAT, "<$domainlist") || die("Unable to open
> '$domainlist'.");
>    while (<DAT>) {
>    chomp;
> print $_,"\n";
>        my $cur1 = $_;
>       open (DATA, "<$hostnames");
>       open (NEWDATA, ">$hostnames.new");
>         while (<DATA>) {
>             chomp;
>         my $cur2 = $_;
>         my ($data) = $cur2 =~ /($cur1)/is;
>         my $newdata;
>         if ($data) {
>          $newdata = "#" . $cur2;
>                 }
>         else {
>         $newdata = $cur2;   
>          }
>         print NEWDATA "$newdata\n";
>       }
>       close DATA;
>       close NEWDATA;
>    }
>       close DAT;
> I was able to get all domains commented out by putting
> line in:
> open (NEWDATA, ">>$hostnames.new");
> instead of:
> open (NEWDATA, ">$hostnames.new");
> But it also made duplicate entries in the new text
> file as well. So for every entry that looked like
> this:
> rtfm.com
> readitagain.com
> #dummy.com
> #stupid.com
> #idiot.com
> #newbie.com
> There were 3 more entries that looked like this:
> rtfm.com
> readitagain.com
> dummy.com
> stupid.com
> idiot.com
> newbie.com
> Any guidance on how to fix this problem would be
> greatly appreciated...
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