Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:

> On Jul 13, Mike Flannigan said:
> >>   s/\|/h/g foreach @filecontents;
> >>
> >
> >Works like a charm.  I sure appreciate your help.
> >
> >It's going to take me a few years to figure out (even generally)
> >what all these commands are doing.  Sure is an intriguing
> >language.
> Then here's another operator to learn:  you can do the translation of | to
> h using the tr/// operator also:
>   tr/|/h/ for @filecontents;
> That transliterates ALL |'s to h's, for each string in @filecontents.

Yeah, I was trying to figure out the difference from s///.  I guess it
returns the number of characters replaced (or deleted), as opposed
to the number of substitutions made.  That's the main difference I


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