Helloe everyone,
   I was wondering is someone can help me out with an issue with forking.  I 
am trying to fork 8 process at a time.

   Here is what I have:

<code snippet>

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib ".";
use BACKUP;   #my own module
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";

my( $MAX_CHILDREN ) = "8";
my( $CHILD_PIDS ) = "0";
my( $maxtries ) = "7";
my( $failure ) = "0";

# there are actually 100 hostIds. but you should get the point..
my( @hostIds ) = ",, ,";



            HOSTID: foreach my $hostId ( @hostIds ) {

                redo HOSTID if $CHILD_PIDS >= $MAX_CHILDREN;

                if( my $pid = fork ) {
                    $CHILD_PIDS++;     #Add the children up until we hit the max
                }elsif (defined $pid) {
                    #      In here I do some stuff with each $hostID.
                    # To make the code easier to read, I made a module that
                    # has a bunch of subroutines in it.
                    #There are basically 2 subroutines that I call for each
                    # hostID.  1 grabs the quota for each user on the hostId,
                    #The other tars and copies the user where the script
                    # is.  I eval my connection and if some fails I
                    # go on to the next. ex.
                     until ( (BACKUP->QuotaIt( $hostId ) or ( $failures == 
$maxtries ) ) ) {
                          if ( $failures == $maxtries ) {                    
                             my( $subject ) = "Hey, WTF is up with $hosId";
                             my( $message ) = "$0 failed to connect to $hostID.";
                             BACKUP->MailIt( $subject, $message, $daily );        
                             #go to the next hostid
                             next HOSTID2;
                         } #if statememt
                     } #until statement
               }elsif($! =~ /No more process/){
                    sleep 15;
                    redo; #do over.
                    #     this is just a mail routine that mails be that I
                    #can't fork
                    my( $subject ) = "Failed to fork any children";
                    my( $message ) = "$0 failed to fork anymore children.
                    BACKUP->MailIt( $subject, $message, $daily );  

            } # foreach loop ends

        } # this is the FORK

    my $child_pids = @_;
    my $child = waitpid(-1,WNOHANG); 
    while ($child != -1 && ($child_pids > 0 )) {
        $child = waitpid(-1,WNOHANG);

<end of code snippet>

   Just typing this I realized that if I can't fork then I probably won't be 
able to mail myself a notification.  So I gotta change that else statement 
with the mail notification.

   Anyways,  the issues I am having are two fold. The first I get this 
   Not a subroutine reference at ./script.pl line  331 which is:

  The second is a bigger issue.  I also fork in the "home made" perl module 
for each user of the HostId I am doing.
nothing crazy, just.........

foreach $user (@users) {
    my( $pid ) = fork ();
        die "Cannot fork: $!" unless defined( $pid );
    if ( $pid == 0 ) {
        #do tarring of user      
        exit 0;

Here I get the error:
Not a subroutine reference at BACKUP.pm line 195. 
which is: " waitpid($pid,0);"

  I know this is very confusing.  And I might not even be posting to the right 
list.  But I am so frustrated with trying to get this thing to work.  It 
seems as if I have searched everywhere for examples of limiting the number of 
forked processes, then being able to fork with in a fork.  
    I originally was using Parallel::ForkManager.   But I found that if I set 
the max_processes to 8 it will start eight but will not contiue until all 
eight were done, then only do one at a time.

  That's when I decided to go the POSIX route and use fork..  But just can't 
get it working.  I think setting the SIG{CHLD} is messing things up.  BUt I 
am not sure.

  Sorry for being so drawn out.  Please feel free to tear me/my code up.  I am 
new and would really like to know how to do this.  Don't worry I can take 
criticism pretty well... lol

Thanks in advance,



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