On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 15:00:39 -0800, "David Cheng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> 1. Is Server Push feature only supported by Netscape but not by IE? If yes, is there 
> anyway we can do similar tricks with IE? I know I can achieve the same goal by using 
> Client Pull, HTML refresh tag, but the flashing screen is kind of annoying.

I have been out of the push loop for a while, but a couple of years ago Netscape was 
the only browser supporting it.  I would imagine other techniques that might work 
include, ActiveX but then your clients must be on windows (grrr), Java (not 
Javascript) through applets, and possibly Flash has some way to connect back to the 
server, but my knowledge is beginning to stretch real thin...

> 2. I ran a couple of CGI scripts through Netscape doing server push updating a 
> counter value every second, but they only ran for less than a minute then stopped. 
> However, if I ran these scripts as a Perl script on the server, perl <filename>.cgi, 
> they ran continuously no problem. What might be the problem here?

I would imagine this has to do with the keep-alive timing out, either on the client or 
server end, but again I could be off base.
> Thanks for your advice and your time.

Afraid I may not have been much help, but maybe something in these thoughts will point 
you in the right direction. 


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