
I have a perl script that takes in form data and generates and email with the data to be sent to me. I'm getting the error message Error:Bad or missing From address: '$from_address'. The webmaster says I'm using the correct from address, so, any ideas about this error message?


Here's what I have:

### send mail #####

$from_address = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$to_address = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$subject = "ESMF Registration Form";

%mail = (
       SMTP    => 'finster.scd.ucar.edu',
       from    => '$from_address',
       to      => '$to_address',
       subject => '$subject',

$mail{body} = <<END_OF_BODY;

First Name: $fname
Last Name: $lname
Email: $email
Organization: $org
Scientific Interest: $sci_int
Mailing List? $check

sendmail(%mail) || print "Error: $Mail::Sendmail::error\n";

-- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Robbie Staufer NCAR/SCD 1850 Table Mesa Dr. Rm. 42 Boulder, CO. 80305 (303) 497-1836

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