Hi again,

I have a questions regarding stdout.

Basically I have a script that looks like this:

system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMain.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMain.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMServer.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvMsmAccessManager.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvPmdPolicyEditorFrame.EXE /f") && die "no $!";\

The script removes those keys from the registry if they are there however if the keys 
are not there I get this error:

C:\scriptz>perl -w clean.pl

Error:  The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value
no  at clean.pl line 7.

What i want to know is how I could go about writing the logic to grab what is being 
sent to the screen to test it and if it says error to just have the script keep going 
ignoring the error.



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