Leon wrote:
> Hi again,
> I have a questions regarding stdout.
> Basically I have a script that looks like this:
> system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMain.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
> system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMain.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
> system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvEpSeMServer.EXE /f") && die "no $!";
> system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvMsmAccessManager.EXE /f") && die
> "no $!"; system("reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvPmdPolicyEditorFrame.EXE
> /f") && die "no $!";\ 
> The script removes those keys from the registry if they are there
> however if the keys are not there I get this error: 
> C:\scriptz>perl -w clean.pl
> Error:  The system was unable to find the specified registry key or
> value no  at clean.pl line 7.
> What i want to know is how I could go about writing the logic to grab
> what is being sent to the screen to test it and if it says error to
> just have the script keep going ignoring the error.  
> Thx,
> Leon
  use `` and setup like :

        my $MyOutput = `reg DELETE HKCR\\AppID\\OvMsmAccessManager.EXE /f`;
        Now you can parse the $MyOutput to see if there was an error or not.  I mean 
you are controlling the output already by using die. If you want you could exchange 
the die with warn and it should function like you want with warnings.

Wags ;)

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