Have a look at the MIME::Entity module on http://search.cpan.org/

Use that to build your message, and then one of the mail modules, 
or even sendmail to send the message.

On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 16:49, Brijesh Kanderia wrote:
> Hi All,
> I dont have very much idea about perl programing. I have writen a small script which 
> reads the content of one file which keeps on changing daily. and sends the out put 
> to the concerned person thru mail.
> Now what I want is that I dont want the contents. I want this script to send this 
> txt file as an attachment to [EMAIL PROTECTED] now pls tell me how to do this.
> Regds
> Brij
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> sub get_date();
> $SENDMAIL = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
> $CAT = "/bin/cat";
> $logdir="/root";
> $mailfile = "$logdir/maillog.txt";
> mailto:$emailaddr="[EMAIL PROTECTED];
> get_date();
> sub get_date()
>         {
>         $DATE   = `date +%Y%m%d`;
>         chop ($DATE);
>         #$day   = `date +%d`;
>         #chop ($day);
>         #$hour = `date +%H`;
>         #chop ($hour);
>         }
> # send mail to whoever concerned
> open (MAIL, "| $SENDMAIL [EMAIL PROTECTED] $emailaddr");
> printf MAIL "Subject: [PI-IN] Satyaki SMTP Maillog Report ($DATE)\n";
> $kitty = `$CAT $mailfile`;
> print MAIL "$kitty\n";
> close(MAIL);
> exit;

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