On Friday 04 April 2003 14:34, John W. Krahn wrote:
| Jim wrote:
| > I've never encountered this before but I have to be doing something
| > wrong.
| Yes, you are.  This is the documented behaviour of the numeric variables
| and is why we always tell beginners to use them only if the regular
| expression matched.

Ok.  I didn't put tests in my example code.  However, I do have tests in my 
actual code which is what led me to this whole fiasco.  In this code I am 
finding that the first test ($back) pasts...and rightly so.  It should.  
However, in the following regex ($line) it should fail sometimes...but it 
doesn't.  It doesn't because when $back returns $1 as a valid return from the 
regex then $1 remains a valid rval for the condition for $line.  I need to 
get around that! 

Here is my code:

     76         for $back ( @data )
     77         {
     78             $go_on = 1;
     80 # start infinite loop
     82             while ( $go_on )
     83             {
     85 # if we see that there is a net_blk
     87                 $back =~ /.*\(.*\) (.*?) .*/;
     89                 if ( $1 )
     90                 {
     92 # add it to the array
     94                     push(@ret,$1);
     96 # walk it
     97                     push(@done,$1);
     98                     my @more = get_whois($1);
    100 # repeat process
    101                     for my $line ( @more )
    102                     {
    103                         $line =~ /.* \(.*\) (.*?) .*/;
    105                         if ( $1 )
    106                         {
    107                             print "Pushing net_blk: $1\n";
    108                             push(@ret,$1);
    109                         }
    110                         else
    111                         {
    112                             print "Go on to next iteration.\n";
    113                             $go_on = 0;
    114                         }
    116                         print "Pushing $1 to [EMAIL PROTECTED] stack\n";
    117                         last if ( grep($1,@done) );
    118                     }
    119                 }
    120                 else
    121                 {
    122                     $go_on = 0;
    123                 }
    124             }
    125         }

| > snippet of code:
| >
| > ]$ perl -e '
| >
| > > $var = "Company Online (Company Systems) NETBLK-COM-5BLK
| >
| > (NET-24-256-0-0-1)";
| >
| > > $var =~ /.*? \(.*\) (.*?) \(.*?\)/;
| > > print $1,"\n";
| print "$1\n" if $var =~ /.*? \(.*\) (.*?) \(.*?\)/;
| > > $var = "NetBlock: NETBLK-10H-6BLK";
| > > $var =~ /sdddd\(.*?\) (.*?) \(.*?\)/;
| > > print $1,"\n";
| print "$1\n" if $var =~ /sdddd\(.*?\) (.*?) \(.*?\)/;
| > > '
| >
| >
| > Why isn't $1 getting updated with the next implicit match?  It should
| > fail but its returning the first $1 match.  I can't unset $1 because it
| > is a read-only variable.  This doesn't even work if I change the second
| > $var to $var2 because of course $1 is the same the way through.
| $1, $2, $3, etc. are only set on a successful match otherwise they
| retain the value from the previous successful match.
| John


- Jim

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