> I've read about 10 pages on unix permissions.
> So far I've learned that a directory is a file with a listing of
> subdirectories and files.  And the d in drwxr-xr-x indicates the file is a
> directory.  And if it begins with -, it's a file -rwxr-xr-x.    Also the -
> separates permissions of the Owner - Group - World.
> r = read w=write x=execute.   Pretty simple.
> What I don't understand is the r listed twice in the Owner section.  None of
> the pages I've read explain this or I missed it somewhere.


What the others have said is correct: a hyphen indicates that permission
is disabled. This means that you permission string above '-rwxr-xr-x'
unpacks as

    -  rwx  r-x  r-x

with the groups for directory, owner, group, world in that order:

    directory   -       (is not a directory)
    owner       rwx     (read, write, execute)
    group       r-x     (read, execute)
    world       r-x     (read, execute)

note that each value is a bit, and three bit groups allows the
complete set to be represented conveniently in octal. In this
case 755. Remember that value - you'll see it a lot!



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