Rob Dixon wrote:

> James Edward Gray II wrote:
> > On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 03:32  AM, R. Joseph Newton wrote:
> >
> > > The player's name IS the number.  No other numbering system is
> > > needed.  The players name is NEVER stored in the hash, AFAIK.  The
> > > name is used to feed a hashing function, which renders an index into
> > > the storage of the hash structure.  There is found the count-- the
> > > ONLY DATA stored for any player/number.,
> >
> > Well, I think we got Stuart sorted out a few days ago, but since you
> > bring it up I prefer to think of a hashes as stored pairs, no matter
> > what they really are.  You could be right about the key not being
> > stored, I honestly have no clue.  Things like keys() and each() have to
> > get it from somewhere though (Reversing the hashing operation?  Again,
> > no clue.) and since they do exist, it's easier for me to think of them
> > as a key and value pair being stored.  Of course, this is all just
> > opinion and I'm sure other programmers have different views from either
> > of us.
> To simplify somewhat, the key string is massaged into a numeric value
> called the 'hash value'. This value determines where in the internal
> structure the data element is stored. Each entry consists of three
> items: the hash element's key string and value, and the computed 'hash
> value'.
> To locate an element from a given hash key, the 'hash value' is
> calculated, and the area of storage which this indicates is
> searched for an entry with a matching key string.
> In short: yes, the hash element does keep a copy of the key string
> internally.
> HTH,
> Rob

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the clarification.  I must admit I was a bit over the top in that
statement.  I was just trying to break that linkage that the OP seems to see
between the hash and low-level index chasing in arrays.

It is also good to get confirmation that the Perl hash is indeed a hash in
the general algorithmic sense, also.  I must confess that I have been pretty
much just running on that assumption without any firm confirmation of that
from the docs.


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