Since it seemed like a nice exercise to work on I played with this some 
myself. Goals being to try to avoid global variables, use subroutines and 
keep MAIN 'uncluttered' and pass arguments to subs as needed.

I think I did okay (holding breath), but I'm wondering about things like:

my @sorted_keys = sort_results(\%score, \%opt);

## [...]

sub sort_results {

    my %scores = %{ (shift) };
    my %opt    = %{ (shift) };

## [...]


In the subroutine I'm dereferencing the hash and array and placing the 
values into new variables, correct? Should I instead be working directly on 
the original values (via a reference)? Would that be something like:

sub sort_results {

   my ($score_ref, $opt_ref) = @_;
   ## etc...

(Thanks for your always helpful advice and comments!)


 use warnings;
 use strict;

 # from perl.beg (Stuart White)

 # desired result:
 # (attempted shots)
 # Marbury 1
 # Jackson 3
 # Hardaway 1
 # Stoudemire 2
 # Bowen 3
 # Duncan 2
 # Williams 1
 # Marion 2
 # Ginobili 1


 use Getopt::Std;
 my (%opt, $total_attempts);

 getopts('hl', \%opt);                           # commandline options
 my %score = get_data();
 my @sorted_keys = sort_results(\%score, \%opt);

 print (format_output([EMAIL PROTECTED], \%score));


    ## END   MAIN ##

    ## BEGIN SUBS ##

 sub get_data {

    my %scores;

    while (<DATA>) {

       if (/.*\] (\w+).*/) {                     # get player's name


    return %scores;


 sub sort_results {

    my %scores = %{ (shift) };
    my %opt    = %{ (shift) };

    unless (%opt) {                              # default is sort by name

       my @sorted_keys = sort keys %scores ;     # sorted by key

    } else {

       my $sort_hi if ($opt{h});
       my @keys_sorted_by_value  = sort {

          compare ($scores{$a}, $scores{$b}, $opt{h})

       } keys %scores;                           # sorted by value


 sub compare {                                   # sorts high & low scores

    my ($aa, $bb, $sort_hi) = @_;
    ($aa, $bb) = ($bb, $aa) if $sort_hi;         # reverse if sort high 
(option h)

    return $aa <=> $bb;


 sub format_output {

    my @sorted_keys = @{ (shift) };
    my %score       = %{ (shift) };
    my $total_attempts;
    my $output  = "\n";

    foreach (@sorted_keys) {

       $output .= sprintf "%12s  %2s\n", $_, $score{$_};
       $total_attempts += $score{$_};


    $output .= "================\n";
    $output .= "TOTALS:       $total_attempts\n\n";


(11:23) [SAN 2-0] Bowen Jump Shot: Made (2 PTS)
(11:10) [PHX] Marbury Jump Shot: Missed
(11:07) [PHX] Marion Jump Shot: Missed
(10:51) [SAN 4-0] Jackson Jump Shot: Made (2 PTS)
(10:23) [SAN] Jackson Jump Shot: Missed
(9:43) [SAN] Duncan Jump Shot: Missed
(8:43) [SAN] Bowen Jump Shot: Missed
(8:31) [PHX] Stoudemire Jump Shot: Missed
(8:09) [SAN] Jackson Jump Shot: Missed
(7:42) [PHX] Hardaway Jump Shot: Missed
(7:09) [PHX] Stoudemire Jump Shot: Missed
(6:50) [SAN] Bowen Jump Shot: Missed
(6:15) [SAN 10-2] Duncan Jump Shot: Made (4 PTS)
(5:52) [PHX] Williams Jump Shot: Missed
(5:46) [PHX 5-10] Marion Jump Shot: Made (5 PTS)
(5:06) [SAN 12-7] Ginobili Jump Shot: Made (2 PTS)


Kevin Pfeiffer
International University Bremen

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