Ken Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I would like to write a function that will get
: all the global variables that are declared in
: my script plus their values( which will all 
: be strings if that matters). This is what I
: have so far:
: my ( $varName, $globValue );
: while ( ($varName, $globValue) = each %main:: )
: {
:   print "\$$varName $globValue \n";
: }
: This prints a whole lot of stuff including
: function names but the variables are not in
: here.

    Then the variable you are referring to
are probably lexical (declared with 'my').
Lexical variables do not show up in the
symbol table (%main::).

: My goal is to have this function pick
: up the variables dynamically every time
: the script is run, get the values and
: do some verification before getting
: into the meat of the script, without
: having to add or remove the variables
: manually from the sub whenever I add
: or remove a variable from the script. 
: Thanks in advance for any help

    Another poster mentioned the idea
of creating a module full of constants.
This allowed him to use any data type
and to use subroutines for very complex
data. All the constants could be
exported when the module is "use"d.

    This still imports everything to the
"main" namespace and since constants are
traditional ALLCAPS, provides the next
programmer to easily recognize that they
may indeed be constants imported into
the script.


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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