On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:53:55PM -0700 Rus Foster wrote:

> I know what I'm about to ask is a really stupid question but I just can't
> get my head around my first outing with CGI.pm. I've RTFM as appropiate
> but getting nowhere. All I want to do is dump a list of variable and their
> values which have been parsed to a script. So far I have

Rob already commented on the mix between functional and object-oriented
interface. Just stick to one of them.

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:all);
> $query = new CGI;
> @names = $query->param;
> print header(), start_html();
> foreach $entry (@names)
> {
> print em(param('$entry'))."<br> \n";

Why do you use single quotes here? You want to pass the value of $entry
to param() and not the literal string '$entry':

    print em( param($entry) ), br, "\n";

> }
> which I thought would work
> If I put print "$entry \n"; that prints out the variables but not the
> values. I know its going to be something stupid..What is it?

param() works a little like a hash: Calling it in list context is like
keys() on a hash (you did that alright). 'param($key)' is then very much
the same as '$hash{$key}'. 


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