Sylvain masnada wrote:
> Hi all,


> I'd like to get a script which allows me to get the gid of the
> user which is connected currently.
> I've done this "script" which is not very useful for me because
> I have to run it like this :
> id |

You could run id inside your perl program.

my $id_output = qx/id/;

> My script is :
> while(<>)
> {
> if(/^uid=\d+.\w+.\sgid=(\d+)/)
>         {
>         $gid=$1;
>         print "gid:$gid\n";
>         }
> }

Perl supplies the User ID in $<, the Effective User ID in $>, the Group
ID in $( and the Effective Group ID in $).

print "gid: $(\n";

To find the name assigned to $(:

my $group = getgrgid $(;
print "Group: $group\n";

To get all groups that $( belongs to:

my @groups;
my $name = getpwuid $<;
while ( my @ent = getgrent ) {
    push @groups, $ent[ 0 ] if $ent[ -1 ] =~ /\b$name\b/;
print "@groups\n"

> My aim is to change the ip address following the gid.

The id program does not output an ip address.

use Perl;

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