----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Josh Corbalis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 2:24 AM
Subject: print command help

> I'm writing a webmin module and I'm trying to add a search function in
> now but after I search for it and try to display the output it has a
> with the way the output is formatted.
> print "searchtest<gimp><10>"; will print searchtest<10>
> print "searchtest< gimp><10>"; will print searchtest< gimp><10>
> I don't understand why it will not print any of what is inside the <> if
> is right next to the < is a letter. Numbers and spaces will print
> on the line but a letter discards everything in the brackets. I've tried
> escape the special meaning of the <> characters when used with a word but
> didn't work. Does anybody out there have any insight into this problem?

In Perl, <> means nothing in string, it only means :

open FH, "file.txt"; $line = <FH>; close FH;
it reads one line from the file.txt and give the value to $line.


open FH, "file.txt"; @lines = <FH>; close FH;
it reads all the context to array (@lines) from file.txt,
elems are splitted by each \n ( or \r\n ) from file.txt

So, what your trying to looking for might be :

print `searchtest <gimp> <10>`; # exec a shell command
print "searchtest $val1 $val2";


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