Stuart White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: HEre is the code:
: Note: Though I have been told twice, maybe 3x that I
: do not need to declare the number of variables that I
: am passing, my book, Perl for Beginners, says I do,
: and, the program doesn't print anything when I leave
: the declarations out.  This is in 5.8.0.  

    Only $count is file scoped. The other variables can
be in the while, though they're not really needed.

: Thanks in advance for your help. -stu
: ------------------------------------
: # Subroutine prototypes
: ################################
: sub FoulParser($$$);

   As Jeff mentioned, you really don't need prototypes
in this situation.

: #############################
: # Main Program
: #############################
: use warnings;
: use strict;
: open(STATS, "stats.txt") or die "statfile\n";

    As mentioned before the most common idiom
includes the error generated by perl. Don't
put "\n" on the end. It suppresses need

open STATS, "stats.txt" or die "Cannot open 'stats.txt': $!";

: my $foul; 
: my $foultype;
: my $player;
: my $count;
: my @stuff;
:  while (<STATS>)
:  {
:       if ($_ =~ /(\w+) (Foul:) (\w+)/)
:       {

:        $foul = "$_";
:        $player = $1;
:        $foultype = $3;
:        print "\nline to be passed: $foul"; 
:       @stuff = FoulParser($foul, $player, $foultype);
:       my ($space1, $space2) = @stuff;
:       print "space1: $space1\n";
:       print "space2: $space2\n";

    if ($_ =~ /(\w+) (Foul:) (\w+)/) {

        print "\nline to be passed: $_";

            "space1: %s\nspace2: %s\n",
            FoulParser( $_, $1, $2 );

:   }
:       }
: print "type of foul count: $count";

    Here $count is file scoped. In the subroutine
you are using a subroutine scoped $count, which is
different is a different variable.

: sub FoulParser($$$)

    The name for this subroutine is misleading.
The parsing of $line was handled outside the
routine and its name does not indicate that it
is printing anything.

: { 
:  my ($line, $player, $typefoul) = @_;
:  my $count;

    Since $count is not returned from the
subroutine, it is unnecessary.

:  my @stuff;
:  print "selected line: $line";
:  print "Player's Name: $player\n";
:  @stuff = $player;
:  print "Type of foul committed: $typefoul\n";
:  @stuff = $typefoul;

    @stuff will always $typefoul, so you may as
well return it and stop creating @stuff, which is
a really poor name for a variable anyway.

:  $count = $typefoul;
:  $count++;
:  return @stuff;

   The entire sub is equivalent to:

    my( $line, $player, $foul_type ) = @_;
    print "Selected line: $line\n";
    print "Player's Name: $player\n";
    print "Type of foul committed: $foul_type\n";

    return $foul_type;

: }

[snipped - completely unnecessary quoting]

    What I think you wanted to return was this:

    return ( $player, $foul_type );

    But that doesn't make sense since you
didn't process them in any way. Why pass
back variables you just passed in. What
I really think you ultimately want is a
hash with foul type counts and a report
for each line.

    I would recommend that a routine which
returns a report not actually do the
printing. The script might look like:

use Data::Dumper;

my %fouls_count;

open STATS, "stats.txt" or die "statfile\n";
    while ( <STATS> ) {
        if ( /(\w+) Foul: (\w+)/ ) {

            # $1 = player, $2 = foul type
            print line_report( $1, $2 );

            # count by foul type
            $fouls_count{ $2 }++;
close STATS;

# This would need to be changed to a
#      full blown report
print Dumper \%fouls_count;

sub line_report {
    return sprintf
        "Player's Name: %s\n" .
        "\tType of foul committed: %s\n",


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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