Stuart White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Couple things:
: About declaring variables in while loops and if
: constructs.  I don't do that because it's messy and
: disorganized for me.  I prefer to declare all the
: variables I will use in a subroutine at the top of the
: subroutine, before I write any assignments or process
: any code.  It's just a style I prefer.

    That's fine for a small program and for longer
ones I find objects and module eliminate many
variables. TIMTOWTDI. I do like to keep them in
the smallest scope possible though.

: What I want to return is the count of the number of
: fouls, nothing more.  However, I am a bit lost as to
: how to count them.  Can someone point me in the right
: direction to figure out how to count that?

my $fouls_count = 0;

open STATS, 'stats.txt' or die "Cannot open 'stats.txt': $!";
    while ( <STATS> ) {
        if ( /(\w+) Foul: (\w+)/ ) {

            # $1 = player, $2 = foul type
            print line_report( $1, $2 );

            # count fouls
close STATS;

print "\nTotal fouls: $fouls_count\n";


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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