#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use diagnostics;

my $a = 1;
my $b = 2;
my $c = 2;
my $d;

print "xor1" if ($a = $a) ^ ($b = $c);#prints

print "xor2" if ($a = $b) ^ ($b = $c);#no print

print "xor3" if ($a = $b) xor ($b = $c);#no print

print "xor4" if ($a = $a) xor ($b = $c);#no prints

print "xor5" if $a xor $b;#no prints

print "xor6" if $a xor $d;#prints

# so --- how do i use xor and ^ ???   i'd like to use it
# for statements like the first few.... *sigh*
# i don't understand why the first one prints.... i really
# need clarification on this one!

thanks  :)


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