On Mon, Jul 28, 2003 at 03:23:10PM -0500, Dan Muey wrote:
> That what I'd say also except here I'm using a series of 
> numbers for(100..1000) { } Each one has the same string 
> except the number is different  And then want to just declare 
> them all with one call and use them as I want.

Nope.  What you really want is an *array*.  :-)

Instead of:

    print $var1024;

Just do:

    print $ary[1024];

> I'm glad to know that principle works, thanks.
> Any idea how to get it to be friends with use strict; ??

The whole reason we have strict 'refs' is to keep you[1]
from doing this accidentally.  If you want to do it on 
purpose, you'll need to turn off strict 'refs' and 'vars' 

-- but --

Before you do that, read these:



[1] The generic "you", not "you, Dan Muey"

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