Not really have any new ideas, I still using looping process to get job
But I have a new direction for this .... but still digging..... ( feel
chocking just
really like mining ;-) )

perldoc -f fork
perldoc -f pipe
perldoc -m Thread
perldoc perlipc


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniela Silva -" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: How to read multiple files in the same time ?

> Hi,
> I want to do something similar, read multiple files and
> extract some piece of readed lines for a file or screen,
> to generate te output file could be used unix redirection.
> Do you have new ideas how to work with multiple files ?
> Thanxs
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 3:13 PM
> Subject: How to read multiple files in the same time ?
> How can I do this ? Or could it be done ?
> Open some files ( unknown number of files ), depends on users demand.
> Then start looking for some desired line ( use regex ).
> I have an array to carry the info of matched data ( from which file, which
line ).
> while the $#array is 99 and all files would be closed Result is then print
to screen.
> However, I am trying not to use looping process like :
> open all files, then read a line from file A and try matching,
> then read a line from file B and try matching,,
> then read a line from file C and try matching,....
> until eof of all files or $#result == 99.
> and close all file handles...
> I hope folks here can understand what I am asking about.
> Thanks in advise
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