Things are just not working together.  Originally I had perl 5.6.1/
apache1.3/mysql4.0.12/ mason1.22/and various mod's.  At one point I thought
that I had "mod-perl" installed but it seems as if I had some selected
modules and not mod-perl itself installed.  

I upgraded to perl 5.8 and realized that mod-perl needs to be installed
specifically with apache and things appeared to be better.  Then I ran the
apache::bundle from cpn and it installed various mods with some
exceptions...but not all of the mod's.  All in all I don't think perl is
installed/config properly and its causing problems with my mod_perl/apache
install and causing the mod installs to bomb.

So my question is how does perl 5.8 have to be installed; ie what
configurations need to be set before order to install

Also I want to upgrade MySql to v 4.0.14 bc .12 is supposed to be doing some
freaky ordering things that were resolved in .14...Should this be done
before I start on the Perl/mod/apache/mason?

Since everything is basically needed to be reinstalled, I'm thinking about
just going to modperl2/apache2...although still unsure; but now would be the
time to do so.  Is this a better route?

rrr...and I suppose while I'm at it I should re-build mason after all is
said and done 



-----Original Message-----
From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:12 PM
To: Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII)
Subject: Re: installing perl mod's

Hodge, Jeff F (ECIII) wrote:
> I'm having trouble installing certain modules...they bomb out during the
> make process....see attachments.  
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install Apache::Cookie'
> perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'
> This should work other modules where installed and work fine using the
> methodology.  What do I have to do to get these installed?
> thanks,
> Jeff
>  <<dbd_failed_install.txt>>  <<apache_cookie.txt>> 
<snip install output>

In the first case the installer is looking for the 'mysql_config' 
program so that it can ask it questions about your environment, probably 
along the lines of where the libraries/includes are for mysql. Do you 
have the mysql client installed?  If so did you install the development 
packages as well if you didn't install from source?  If so where on your 
system is the program 'mysql_config'?  On my RH9.0 install it is in 

In the second case it appears that 'mod_perl' is a prerequisite, do you 
have it installed?  Where is it located?

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