Janek Schleicher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John W. Krahn wrote at Thu, 31 Jul 2003 00:22:04 -0700:

If you are just removing one element then you can use shift instead.
And you are not really using $i it seems.

for ( 0 .. @archivo - 4 ) {
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_p;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_h;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_y;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_l;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_t;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_s;
      push @lista_final, shift @correos_o;

Let's shorten that a bit :-)

for ( 0 .. @archivo - 4 ) {
   push @lista_final, shift @{"correos_$_"} for qw/p h y l t s o/;

That might be one of the rare moments where it could be correct to use
symbolic references. Here it avoids having multiplied the code and logic 7
times. And IMHO it makes the code more readable as it is easier to follow
the main idea :-)

You don't need symbolic references.

for ( 0 .. @archivo - 4 ) {
   push @lista_final, shift @$_ for (

I agree with Steve Grazzini, though, and suspect there may be a better way to represent the data. But since we don't know what the data is, we can't suggest anything.

David Wall

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