On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 03:04:00PM -0400, Todd W. wrote:
> "Li Ngok Lam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $x = sub { $y = shift; print $y };

[ snip ]
> > 2. Any "name" for this kind of coding style ?
> I dont know of a name, but I guess I wouldnt call it a coding style.
> Storing code in variables is a language feature. When you dont need 
> the feature, you dont use it. Read "perldoc perlref".

I would have said "Functional Programming".

There's an FAQ about closures

    % perldoc -q closure

With quite a bit of good information.  It's also worth mentioning
the fact that our grep() and map() come from FP -- and if you've
ever struggled with these, working one's way through a Scheme or
Haskell tutorial could be really helpful.

Or it might confuse you further; YMMV.


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