> ------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:38:04 -0700, "Michael Adrian" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a question re Net::FTP.
> > I would like to change the record size when I 'put' the file I'm 
> > ftp'ing. What argument would I use, if any to do this?
> >  
> Though I don't know how universal it is (as I am a unix guy 
> not a mainframe one), we use a 'SITE' command with specific 
> paramaters to set the record type/record length. Something 
> along the lines of:
> There is a 'site' method that will allow you to send such 
> commands....  It this what you meant by record size?
> my $site = 'LRECL=1331 RECFM=FB';
> my $site_result = $ftp->site($site);
> unless ($site_result) {
>     die "Can't set 'site': " . $ftp->message;
> }
> print "SITE command successful\n";

I'm not sure if this is what you want or not but...

You might need to do a step by step version of put() instead of using put():

my $write = $ftp->stor($file); 
$write->write($t, $sizeyouwanttosenditin);


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