> Hello Dan,

Howdy, please respond to the list and not just me so everyone can help/learn.

> Thanks for the come back.
> I decided to accept PayPal and StormPay. I would need to 
> collect the PayPal Email, StormPay Email, and the peoples 
> name for a form to the MySql Table Correct?
> Would this work? To Create Table.
> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
> # MySQL (Database) Information
> $sql_db_name = "randomizer";
> $sql_user = "randomizer";
> $sql_pass = "biz123";
> $sql_hostname ="";
> $sql_port ="";
> &Db_Connect;

Why two calls to &Db_Connect?
Use my() variables to keep from shooting yourself in the foot.
Use strict and warnings/-w switch.

> $SQL = "CREATE TABLE randomizer (
> Name varchar(40),
> PayPal varchar(40),
> StormPay varchar(25),
> )";
> &Go_SQL;

Why not just use do() to simplitfy and check the return value?

> &Db_Connect;
> $SQL = "INSERT INTO randomizer (Name,PayPay,StormPay)
> &Go_SQL;
> $sth->finish;
> $dbh->disconnect;
I didn't see this declared earlier, another reason to use strict and my and use module 
functions instead of your own function that just runs that one function basically.

> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print "<font face=\"$def_font\" size=\"$def_fsize\">\n";
> print "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"5\" face=\"Arial 
> Black\" color=\"$name_clr\">Randomizer</font></p>\n";
> print "<p align=\"center\">&nbsp; &nbsp; </p>\n";
> print "<center>\n";
> print "<B>Successfully Setup The MySQL Database!</B><P>The 

How do you know it was successful you didn't check any return values?

> table \"randomizer\" was created for you within your database 
> :)<HR ALIGN=\"LEFT\" WIDTH=\"70%\">"; print "<P>A Randomizer 
> account was also setup for admin, your login information 
> is...<p>Username: admin<br>Password: adminpass<p>"; print 
> "<b>Remove, Delete or Rename this file now, It's No Longer 
> Needed For The List To Run!</b>"; print "</center>\n"; exit;
                Exit at the end of the script is pointless and possibly bad, like in 
mod_perl env.

How about somethgin like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI qw(header);
use DBI;

print header();
my $dbh = DBI->connect(...) or die "connect failed $DBI::errstr";
my $rc = $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ...") or die "create table failed $DBI::errstr";
die "0E0 error on table create" if $rc =~ m/^0E0$/;
print "Well I made it this far without dieing I must be ok!";

See how much more readable it is? Also in a year or so when you or somebody else 
comes along it's easy to figure out what's going on.

> If So, Then how do I call it to random place the PayPal, 
> StormPay addresses into the buttons.

There was my original idea:

Select all address into a list and choose a random one.
Get one address from a query that returns a random one out of all of them.

#2 would be better on memory and speed too I would assume since the script 
only has to work with 1 piece of data insead of building a list then choosing 
from it.

Either way, get the data and put it in your form.



> Thanks in Advance
> Dan
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dan Muey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:25 AM
> Subject: RE: Mysql Question. Can Someone Help
> > Hello Fellow Members,
> Howdy
> >
> > I am new to perl and Mysql. I want to set up a mysql table to take 
> > Email addresses, and randomly place them into a payment button from 
> > PayPal, and StormPay.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me how to write the script to setup the 
> MySql Table to 
> > do this.
> >
> Sure, you need to be familiar with the DBI module first off.
> Create your table and a user to SELECT from it.
> Look at the examples in perldoc DBI for how to do a multiple 
> row SLEECT query. Get the query : SELECT Email from 
> PayPalAccounts into an array, say @PPEmail
>  then grab one at random like so:
>  my $email = $PPEmail[rand @PPEmail];
>  print qq(<input type="hidden" name="Account" value="$email">\n);
> DMuey
> -- 
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