On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 10:34, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:
> Howdy:
> I'm looking for information that will let me 
> open an ftp connection and grep / search 
> for files and then FTP them back to me.
> I saw something about FTP and macros, but
> the other articles about Net::FTP got me to
> believe you can do this with Perl.  If so,
> is Net::FTP the route the go?
> Is this possible?

Of course it is!  Here's a connection I use on our local network that
greps for files using the output of $ftp->ls and the grep function.

Then you throw them in a loop with $ftp->get() and your done.

Yeah, sure more error checking can be done, but this serves my purpose.

$ftp = Net::FTP->new("", Debug=> 0);
@filelist = grep{/[e|f][d|m|v|s].ic$/} $ftp->ls($path);

foreach (@filelist) {
      print "$_\n";
        $ftp->get($_) or warn "Net::FTP->get: couldn't get $_";



Hope this helps,


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