James Edward Gray II wrote:

> On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 05:15  PM, R. Joseph Newton wrote:
> > Your script had almost 100 lines of incomprehesible scripting garbage
> > before the first subroutine definition.
> Egad, is that called for?  I personally consider it offensive and
> outside the realm of constructive criticism.

Sorry, that was probably a bit harsh.  The point is that the scripting that
works just fine on  single-pupose, quick and dirty tasks will soon lead to
confusion when specifications grow more complicated.  Unfortunately, there
is rarely a hint on this list that there is any problem with this.

You don't seem to like the word garbage.  Sorry.  I know garbage all too
well, and how it cxomes to be.  I spend my vacation time as a volunteer
recycler, and see tons of potentially valuable, recoverable material go to
a landfilll, for one simple reason--it was jnot sorted out.  The valuabvle
products of the human mind can similarly become garbage by the same means.

I'm sticking with my guns here.  Extended passages of sequential code are
the breeding grounds for errors.  They become progressively more difficult
to debug.  As needs change, such code becomes more and more difficult to
adapt to those needs.  Eventually, such code will end up having to be
re-written from the start, because the lack of separation between
functional elements will make for unintended  side effects of any changes.
In short, it becomes garbage.


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