Currently I am looking at a new hosting provider and already hit one strike where the 
Perl version they had listed on their "Packages" page differed from that installed, 
aka they listed 5.6.1 and have 5.6.0 installed which really tinkers my toys, but I may 
be able to let that one slip. I know there were substantial improvements from 5.6.0 to 
5.6.1 but I am not sure any of them will affect my code, any in particular I should be 
on the look out for?

Now to my actual question, and this may be more a Linux question than Perl, but I 
thought I would see what the gurus have to say, could I run into issues with a Perl 
compiled on one kernel version aka 2.2.16 and it running under a different, 
specifically 2.4.9 (smp) kernel, and what types of issues?  Will I have problems 
compiling or running modules (XS in particular) that I build against this Perl under 
the newer kernel?

It is this kind of stuff that I get sick of dealing with hosting providers about....

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