Wiggins D'Anconia wrote:

> Now to my actual question, and this may be more a Linux question than
> Perl, but I thought I would see what the gurus have to say, could I run
> into issues with a Perl compiled on one kernel version aka 2.2.16 and it
> running under a different, specifically 2.4.9 (smp) kernel, and what types
> of issues?  Will I have problems compiling or running modules (XS in
> particular) that I build against this Perl under the newer kernel?

i think this has more to do with xsubpp than the kernel. XS is not C, it's a 
glue / layer between Perl and C. even in C, your code is probably not 
talking to the kernel directly unless of course, you are doing kernel 
development. you are talking to the C libraries which, supposely, is going 
to make your code portable across different platforms. xsubpp is reponsible 
to translate your XS code to C which again makes XS a lot more portable on 
top of C. consider that all the modules in CPAN is distributed to a wide 
audience, i believe very few authors would have the time and resource to 
test their code on all platforms and yet xsubpp and the C libraries provide 
all the abstraction to figure out the differences between those platforms 
so the programmer don't have to worry too much about it. 

i am no gurus or expert on that kind of stuff as i am myself fairly new to 
it and still learning. you might get a better a answer if you submit your 
question to perl.xs

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