
This is probably something trivial, in which case I apologize, however I'm quite new 
in Perl and even more so in databases. Actually, I'm quite new in programing at all, 
so please don't laugh at me.

I'm basically concerned about the security of writing a simple web frontend to SQL 
database, the most important question being: how should I store the database password?

Every example I have found so far about using DBI or Class:DBI or anything includes 
the password as a cleartext in the source code. I realise that it's just for the sake 
of code examples simplicity and anyone had to be insane to introduce such a serious 
vulnerability in a production system, but frankly I'm not quite sure how to do it 

Should I make my CGI scripts not directly readable/executable to the httpd processes 
and write a suid wrapper which would then run the script itself including the password 
in the source code or reading it from a filesystem?

What about the database itself access privilages? Should I use different accounts for 
different scripts, depanding on what access do they need to have?

The most obvious solution seems to be something like this: For example, there's a news 
website. Everyone can read news, but only admin can add/modify them. So there need to 
be two system user accounts, e.g. newsadmin and newsguest, with the same accounts in 
the database having respectively read/write and read only (of course I'm simplifying, 
it whould be select privilage, insert, etc.) and two CGI scripts with an appropriate 
suid wrapper each.

The problem is that having many indepandant websites on the same server can cause a 
need to have quite a lot of OS and DB accounts, so I'm asking if this is indeed the 
way to go, or maybe I'm missing something?

So I'd like to ask all of you experienced Perl developers: How do you solve the 
problem of database security in production environments yourself, especially when the 
website is not the only one on the system and not the only one using a given database?

I'm sorry if I'm asking a stupid question maybe missing an obvious answer, but I'm 
just beginning my first Perl/database project and everything I have are some terrible 
examples left by someone working here before, who was obviously completely 
security-wise ignorant and now I have to clean all of this mess he left here.

There are tens of websites on the server and every database access is done with an 
account having full (sic) access to all of the tables and - if that wasn't enough - 
the password is in the clear in the sourcecode which is all world readable! No wonder 
why the previous admin was fired.

I'd be grateful if anyone could point me to some documentation which I failed to find 
or just say few simple tips. Thanks a lot!

(Should I post it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's indeed a problem with CGI scripts, but the 
problem itself is not stricte CGI-related, so I'm not quite sure.)

-Zedgar Z.

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