This is the error message that I get when installing Mysql.

#rpm -Uvh MySQL-client-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm
error:  Failed dependencies:
            perl(the) is needed by MySQL-client-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm

"Wiggins D'Anconia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Eric Rose wrote:
> > Are these part of CPAN modules or built into Perl itself?  I'm trying to
> > install Mysql and it's complaining that perl(this) and perl(the) are
> > missing.  I couldn't find anything on Google.
> >
> Do you mean 'this' and 'the' explicitly or are you using them as
> placeholders for more specific things?  Your post is rather confusing.
> I am assuming you are installing DBD::MySQL/DBI?  If you mean MySQL then
> you should check out a forum specifically for that DB engine. If you are
> referring to the Perl modules for accessing the database then you will
> need a C compiler, make utility, and the mysql client development
> libraries for your platform.

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