Daniel Staal wrote:
> --On Monday, September 22, 2003 19:23 +0100 Rob Dixon
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm playing away here, as I know nothing about RPM other than
> > that it is a package manager and pro9bably specific to RedHat
> > Linux.
> >
> > Having said that, it looks like you are trying to install a
> > module called MySQL::client, which I've never heard of and
> > isn't available on the definitive CPAN site.
> >
> > Unless you have a reason to go along this route (when I think
> > you will need Linux-specific help) you should use the Database
> > Independent interface module 'DBI' together with the MySQL
> > driver module 'DBD::MySQL', with which most Perl database
> > programmers are familiar.
> You've got Perl on the brain.  ;-)  An RPM doesn't have to be a Perl
> module.  What he's trying to do is install a database client (like
> you would write using the DBI) program (MySQL-client-4.0.15-0) that
> happens to depend on Perl.  (Presumably it is partially written in
> Perl, maybe using the DBI.)  The install is complaining that Perl is
> not installed.

Then I'm glad I qualified my answer. But please enlighten me: what
sort of beast is an RPM 'package'. The error message

Eric Rose wrote:
> > #rpm -Uvh MySQL-client-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm
> > error:  Failed dependencies:
> >             perl(the) is needed by MySQL-client-4.0.15-0.i386.rpm

looks like OO terminology but is nonsense in a Perl context. My first
guess would be that an RPM distribution of Perl must be installed, but
now I'm /way/ outside my remit. The bottom line is that this is an RPM
error message to be fought by an RPM gladiator.

> I missed the original question, but I would echo the advice to use
> your distro's help resources to fix this, assuming you are sure Perl
> is installed.

I don't think the original question was posted to the list at all. Tell
us Wiggins?

Cheers all,


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