Howdy all!

I'm attempting to fetch a webpage. I can get the html, even login to protected area.
But the query string I can not get to go through.
If I call the url with the query string I get the right stuff but I can't get $qry
Into the request.

Any ideas were I screwed up?

my $agt = new LWP::UserAgent;                                           # works
my $req = new HTTP::Request(GET => ''); # works

#What am I doing wrong here? The script I'm getting just has 
#print param('hi'); so I don't thignk it's a get/post issue.

$req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); # not work as expected
$req->content('hi=dummy');                               # not work as expected

$req->authorization_basic('joe','mama'); # works
my $res = $agt->request($req);           # works

That will log me in and return the html code from the script.
But it doesn't get any of $qry in it.

TIA for any pointers as to why I'm going to kick myself!


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