Dan Muey wrote:

> > my $agt = new LWP::UserAgent;
> >               # works
> > my $req = new HTTP::Request(GET =>
> > 'http://joemama.com/howdy.cgi'); # works
> >
> > #What am I doing
> > wrong here? The script I'm getting just has
> > #print param('hi'); so I don't thignk it's a get/post issue.
> I was totally wrong! I change GET => to POST => above and it worked el prefecto!
> I wonder why GET wouldn't work? Any ideas of the reason?

Get isn't really intended for activating code, although servers can be configured to
do so for particular file-types [registered Perl files in Windows, those with x-bit
set in 'nix]  Absent special configurations, GET means just that, get the file
specified and send it.  POST is the request method intended for offering
information, presumably to an application.  So, even without a query string, POST is
much more likely to be cnfigured to run an executable on the server.

Seems like a pretty sensible distinction to me.


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