On Sep 29, Kevin Pfeiffer said:

>I'm working on a nice frontend to the Unix::AliaseFile module for managing
>'aliases'. In the process I've extended a couple methods in the module and
>added a new one.
>There is a show_user method that returns all aliases of which a user is a
>member; there's also a "Toggle on/off" that uses commenting to deactive but
>not delete an alias (our sysadmin likes to do this); rename_user can also
>now rename aliases, too, (since an alias might be a member of another alias
>My working copy is now called AliasFilePlus.
>What do I do with this if I try to share it? The changes to the module
>seemed too great (and too complex) for me to place them in the main program
>and too little for a submodule. I've updated the docs and wrote "...based
>on version xxx of Unix::AliasFile by Steve Snodgrass...", etc.

Typically, you create a sub-module.

  package Unix::AliasFile::Extended;
  use base 'Unix::AliasFile';

  sub changed_method { ... }
  sub new_method { ... }


Then you just use Unix::AliasFile::Extended in any program where you would
have used Unix::AliasFile.

If you want to contact the author and ask him if he'd like to release a
new version of the Unix::AliasFile module with your code in it, go right
ahead.  Should that fail, the sub-class approach above is fine.

>(After I clean up a couple things I'll post a link to it in case anyone is
>interested in sharing critique).

I'd be happy to do that for you.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
RPI Acacia brother #734   http://www.perlmonks.org/   http://www.cpan.org/
<stu> what does y/// stand for?  <tenderpuss> why, yansliterate of course.
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