Dan Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a (BA)SH/CSH/TSH/KSH variable to the Perl path?
> I am creating a script that uses Perl I want to be able to share over
> several servers.  Instead of having my users edit the file manually
> (because I assume they would do something dumb) I want to create a shell
> script to edit the script for them.

No, but you can create your own.  Use something like:

    PERL=`which perl`

Alternative, just call perl from the command line, such as

    $ perl yourScript.pl

instead of 

    $ yourScript.pl

In the last case you would have to use a 'shebang' #!/path in the file
itself, whereas calling it from the command line, it takes it from the $PATH.


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