> Dan Muey wrote:
> > Howdy group,
> > 
> > In developing a module and I am torn.
> > 
> > I want to use the newer our $variable; but to make it work with pre 
> > 5.6 Perl (or whatever version our appeared in) I have to do the use 
> > vars qw($variable); method
> > 
> > So I was wanting some input about pros and cons of using 
> either since 
> > on the surface they appear to do the same thing except that 
> use vars 
> > is backwards compatable.
> > 
> > Any input on our vs. use vars ?? Pro,con, neutral ??
> If you want your module to work with pre-5.6 perl, you don't 
> have a choice - you can't use "our".
> What you lose when you go to "use vars" instead of "our" is:
> * minor speed improvements (our being implemented in the perl 
> core, vars being in a module that does really l33t-type 
> hacking to the perl global hash tables).
> * ability to scope your global variable to lexical scopes
> * readability - IMO, our is more readable than use vars qw(), and
>   you can't use C<no vars> anyway, even though you may think you can.
> You have to decide if it's more important to move up with 
> perl, or to support older versions of perl.
> For me, it's a no-brainer - I don't write for perl 5.005 
> anymore.  For you ... the requirements can easily be different.

Thanks for the input, I appreciate all the points of view I can get.
If it was soley for me I'd definitely fo our. But I don't want to punish 
The Perl 5.5 users but I also would like to encourage folks to use the 
latest and greatest.

I'll figure something out!



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