On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 11:54:38AM -0800 Richard Heintze wrote:

> Tim (or anyone else)
> I have vim 6.1 and tried it out. I know VI (a little)
> so I thought vim would not be so bad. I tried help and
> searching help for indent and found it. It looks more
> like a function call for their macro language than it
> does a command. I tried ":indent(6)" and it did not
> work.
>  How do I use VIM to re-indent a perl function?

Indenting usually happens automatically when you put 'set autoindent'
into /etc/vimrc (or whereever your vim looks for its configuration,
possibly also ~/.vimrc).

Re-indenting happens by marking a paragraph in visual mode (shift+v and
then moving around with the arrow keys) and hitting '='.

>   Also, I assume by your response that PerlBuilder
> indents code too?

You don't need that. vim has excellent indenting and
syntax-highlighting. The same is said to be true for the cperl mode of


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