Richard Heintze wrote:

> emacs and a number of other editors have the ability,
> with a single key stroke to properly indent java code.
> However, since perl has such unusual syntax for
> specifying literal character strings (my favorite is
> qq[]) emacs chokes when it attempts to indent my perl
> code. Too bad -- I love emacs.
> Is there an editor out there that will properly indent
> my perl code even if I use the stranger syntaxes for
> literal strings? is the editor I use for perl.  You tell me if it
handles your stranger syntaxes ;-)

(And, if it doesn't, show me the code that it doesn't handle and I'll
see if I can devote time to fixing it, or if it's simply too esoteric
to fuss over.  ;->)

I guess I've adapted my perl indentation style to match what FTE does,
which isn't, I suppose, necessarily the right way.  But since all my
team members use FTE to write perl code, we all get the same
indentation, which is always a good thing.

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