Mark wrote:
> I am trying to create a hash where each key is a referance to
> subs. The bellow code produces the expected result, with one
> unexpected side-effect. Why are the subs executed when I only
> declare them ??
> <- cut
>  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
> %hash=( 1 => funca(),
>         2 => funcb(),
>       );
> sub funca{
>         print "a";
> }
> sub funcb{
>         print "b";
> }
> <- paste

Hi Mark.

  use strict;   #always
  use warnings; # usually

First of all be clear in your head: each hash /value/ is
supposed to be a reference to a subroutine. The keys that you
have used are '1' and '2', and if all keys are numeric and non-
sparse then you should be using an array.

Your %hash is being assigned with the /results of a call to/
funca() and funcb(). As James says you can supply references to
actual subroutines as values, or you may want to use anonymous

  my %hash = (
    1 => sub {print 'a'},
    2 => sub {print 'b'},



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