Hi Richard.

Richard Heintze wrote:
>   Sorry -- I was not quoting my own code precisely and I am using strict and 
> warnings.
>   I am using parenthesis. I attached the exact code for the subroutine below.

At the end of this post is my edited version of your program without line wraps.
It compiles fine as I have posted it, and there are no reasons that I can see
why your concatenation shouldn't work.

The problems that I have are:

- Your source layout allows a maximum line length of 196 characters.
It's unlikely that you know what your source is doing off-screen, even
if you think you do. Keep to something like an 80-character limit and
all of the bugs will be on-screen at once.

- Subroutines with more than two or three parameters are unlikely to be
called correctly. 'FormElements' has seven, and to make matters worse
there is a mixture of pass by value and pass by reference.

- There is a mixture of qq() delimiters within the same subroutine. (Square
bracket and pipe). It would be best to build these strings into a scalar
variable as soon as its parameters are known instead of strewing the code
with huge interpolated strings.

I suspect that the bug is in the call to this routine, but first tidy
up your code so that it /looks/ like it works. 'Here' documents
would help to organise your strings instead of having long
interpolated strings as subroutine parameters.

Post your subroutine call. I'll lay $5 that your bug is there :)



# Reformatted source
sub FormElements {

  my ($me,
      $curr_true, # integer array created in insert data
      $hidden) = @_;

  # The first time we view the Enter Probabilities page (display)
  # we have the option of specifing admissibility (the probability of the evidence 
being admissible in court)
  # and the probability the fact is true.
  # When there are subsequent assertions or suspects, there is no need to allow the 
user to change this information
  # so we surpress the text edit box.
  my $bReadOnly = !$me->bFirstSuspect(); # $me->{pass}==0 && $next==1; # Can the user 
change this? Yes, if this is the first
  my $t3 = $me->{admissibility};
  my $admis = sprintf "%3d", $t3->[$ev_count];

      <TD ALIGN="CENTER" STYLE="font-family:serif; font-size:18px; font-weight: bold; 
        .($bReadOnly?qq[$admis <INPUT class=debug READONLY TYPE=TEXT 
NAME=prob_admis$ev_count SIZE="2" VALUE="$admis" />]:qq[<INPUT
TYPE=TEXT NAME=prob_admis$ev_count SIZE="2" VALUE="$admis" />])

  print qq[<TD ALIGN="CENTER" STYLE="font-family:serif; font-size:18px; font-weight: 
bold; background-color:#ffcc00">];

  # older code: $me->{base_type}=~"Rank" || $me->{base_type}=~"RA"  || 
$me->{base_type}=~"Compare Assertions"
  # old code: ($me->{base_type} == &case_constants::btCompareAssertions || 
$me->{base_type} == &case_constants::btRankSuspects)

  if ($me->MultiSuspectCase() && $bReadOnly) {

    # No input box here!
    my $t2 = @{$$curr_true}[$ev_count]; # This is so wierd. Why do I need to 
explicitly cast it?
    $t2 = sprintf "%3.3f", ($t2<=0?0:$t2);

    my $t3 = qq[<INPUT class=debug TYPE=TEXT NAME="prob_true$ev_count" VALUE="$t2" 
    print $t2.$t3;

    # Why does not this concatenation work?
    $$hidden = $$hidden.qq[\n<TR 
  else {
    # Input box: user can alter this
    print qq[ <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="prob_true$ev_count"  NAME="prob_true$ev_count" 
SIZE="7" OnChange="form_field_OnChange(this);"
MAXLENGTH="6">%</TD> ];

  print qq|
  <TD ALIGN="CENTER" STYLE="font-family:serif; 
  <INPUT ID="prob_guilt$ev_count" NAME="prob_guilt$ev_count" SIZE="7"  
OnChange="form_field_OnChange(this);" |;

  if ($me->{pass}!=1){
    print qq| VALUE="|.($prob_guilt?$prob_guilt:"").qq|" |;

  print qq| MAXLENGTH="6">%</TD>
  <TD ALIGN="CENTER" STYLE="font-family:serif; 
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" ID="prob_innoc$ev_count" OnChange="form_field_OnChange(this);"  
NAME="prob_innoc$ev_count" SIZE="7" |;

  if ($me->{pass}!=1) {
    print qq|VALUE="|.($prob_innoc?$prob_innoc:"").qq|"|;

  print " MAXLENGTH=6>%</TD>\n";

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