Rp_29 wrote:
> Dear Jenda, pls. read thru...
> From: Jenda Krynicky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 5:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Training in the Middle and Far East
> Hence physics is not a science either. You can't do anything in
> physics without math.
> >>>>>>>wat do you have to say about phenomenon governed by physical
> laws?
> Besides, noone said "programming" is a science.
> >>>>>>> Rob said that. (and this whole thing started from there
> 'computer science'. Now you have stepped in with a new philosophical
> definition below. Since this is a programming list computer programming
> came up to repersent it. Also, it is just hardware + software written to
> use that hardware power)

This has been altered beyond my recognition from my original post.
'Science' simply means 'knowledge', and that is where my intention

There is a popular differentiation between deterministic knowledge
(science) and non-deterministic knowledge (art) and I believe that
Perl is unique in straddling that border. But whether or not
physical, chemical, linguistic or artistic knowledge is 'science'
is purely democratic.

Please don't read anything into my original post that I did not
intend; and please honour Casey's request to terminate the thread.


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