Pandey Rajeev-A19514 wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know anything about perl graphics. I would explain excatly what I want.
> I want to develope a interactive graphical interface which can display all the nodes 
> in a network in a tree representation.
> I should be able to draw that tree upon reading a data base (or real time data).
> I should be able to click on to a particular node in that network and should be able 
> to do what I wish on that node( i.e. to make it interactive and what I wish to do is 
> not that important right now).

On 'nix:

> perl -MCPAN -e shell

On Windows [ActiveState]:

On either:

ppm|CPAN> install Tk


> perldoc Tk
> perldoc Tk::Tree
> perldoc Tk::Scrolled

Tree is a great object, with infinite possibilities for its application.  Get to know 


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