Eric Walker wrote:

> Newbie here but hope this helps.
> You have a page linked to the frame on the left right?  All you need to
> do is have your CGI script write the new page.  You use the info from
> the frame on the right and pass the values to your cgi script. Then let
> your CGI script write out a new html page using the values you sent it.
> Ok heres is the hard part.. All of you pros correct me if I am wrong.
> In the past I have use the "use CGI" module.  When you click submit you
> need to call
> your cgi a certain way to pass the values from the form to it.
> http://myfile.cgi?<variablename>=<value>&<variablename>=<value>&<variablename>=<value>&

DON'T do this!  CGI was meant for passing form data.  If you are learning CGI, do it 
in a
straightforward manner, by putting a form in your web page.  [Note you don't have to 
have the user interact with the form or its data, though, but that's a separate topic.]

<form name="test form" action="cgi-bin/" mathod="POST">
<inpt type="hidden" name="test data" value="Yahoo, we got it through">
<input type="submit" value="Hit it!">

Then grab the values sent with your CGI script, using maybe that Vars method.

Don't meddle with the browser's business, unless you are ready to take on the business 
creating a User Agent froms cratch.


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