What are you _really_ asking for here?  Do you want to use XML to store
your data, or do you want XML to store information about how to interact
with any database?

The latter doesn't make sense, though; That would be to create a language
which multiple DB platforms comply with. SQL already does that, more or
less (just try avoiding the DB-specific solutions).

Unfortunately, SQL implementations vary. One of the biggest culprits is MySQL, although Postgresql, and Oracle aren't perfect either. So what I'm looking for is an intermediary I could store my data in -- the tables I would need and their default values. Then, when installing the program, the XML file would be read and SQL specific to the database I was setting up would be provided.


Hate to throw a wet blanket on your project, but there are a number of cross platform database design tools that can store your logical db structure and then export the sql required for a particular platform. One of my favorites is ERStudio by Embarcadero. Of course, these are not free, but then what is. The advantage here is that your design is stored in a database-neutral specification, that is then exported with appropriate extensions for your target SQL platform. ERStudio also has a SAX basic interface that allows you to manipulate the db objects to your hearts content.


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